Remember all the noise coming from anti-copyright groups leading up to passage of the CASE Act? According to the EFF, Public Knowledge, Fight for the Future, the usual assortment of anti-copyright academics, and Senator Ron Wyden, the copyright small claim alternative would open the floodgates for abusive claims. They predicted CASE would be the ideal venue for “copyright trolls,” and ...

“Black history is American history.” There is more than one way to read (or use) that phrase. On its face, it affirms that no honest or thorough narrative about the United States can possibly exclude the Black story. But from there, one might say, as Morgan Freeman suggested in a 2005 interview with Mike Wallace, that to distinguish or compartmentalize ...

“This lawsuit is about Piracy, Greed, and Revenge” states Line 1 of the complaint filed yesterday in the North Carolina district court where documentary filmmaker Rick Allen is still seeking justice for the reckless, intentional, and frankly mean-spirited manner in which state officials infringed his copyright rights, deprived him of his lawful property interest in his motion picture and photographic ...

I woke up the other day thinking about artificial intelligence (AI) in context to the Cold War and the nuclear arms race, and curiously enough, the next two articles I read about AI made arms race references. Where my pre-caffeinated mind had gone was back to the early 1980s when, as teenagers, we often asked that futile question as to ...

Plenty is being said about AI systems that generate visual works, written works, music, etc. And plenty more will be said, especially now that lawsuits have been filed against some of the AI-generated image companies. In this post, I want to address a misconception about authorship in copyright law that may be warping the AI conversation. As I understand the ...

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