Photo by photocreo. Time for a hard look in the mirror?  We’ve been on a social media bender for years, and I’m thinking January 1, 2017 might be the day we begin to sober up and come to grips with its more negative effects.  When I began writing about all this stuff in 2011, it was partly in response to the fact that people ...

The FCC, in a narrow vote this week, elected to adopt rules to protect the principle known as “net neutrality.” The agency will now regulate broadband as a public utility in order to ensure that ISPs cannot discriminate between one kind of customer and another, namely that they may not speed up traffic for higher paying users or slow it ...

When I think about Ferguson, I can’t help but think about the story of the Boston Massacre and how often history repeats itself.  That incident, which was no massacre, led to the trial of the British soldiers who fired into the crowd and who faced hanging if found guilty.  Of course, it wasn’t the soldiers themselves who were really on ...

Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. US News | Weird News | More ABC News Videos This ABC News Segment asks a question others have asked before: Is social media making people depressed? What are your thoughts or experiences? Or just send suggested lyrics for the “Facebook Blues.” ...

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