English lexicographer Jonathon Green offers this well-reasoned article criticizing crowd sourcing for dictionaries under the thesis “dictionaries are not democratic.”  As a confirmed word snob and English language fetishist, I have to say that I generally agree. To study and love the English language is to accept and even celebrate that it is and always has been the most mutable ...

Changing the culture one fan at a time Matthew Ebel would seem to be the living definition of the DIY digital artist.  With 10 albums full of satirical and thought-provoking songs, he writes, composes, and performs based out of his New Hampshire studio, where he also records a weekly live stream program attended by fans from around the U.S. and ...

“If your freedom of speech has no limits, may you accept our freedom of action.”    This was a statement painted on a wall in Cairo where protestors yesterday stormed the U.S. embassy.  And this morning, we learn that U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens was killed along with three other embassy staff in a rocket attack on their car. ...

Dear Rick: Yesterday, I opened up on you without actually taking the time to refute your positions or points. Honestly, it’s tough to read that many words, disagree with every one of them, and know quite where to begin.  I know you said you would respond, but then GoDaddy sites were down for many hours.  In the interim, I took ...

Dear Rick: When I wrote a criticism last week of your incomprehensible TED video, in which you  vaguely stump for the Swedish Pirate Party, I had no idea that you were about to produce an article that so beautifully exemplifies the depraved extremes to which you and your kind will go to protect your cherished technology.  In your BLOTTR article, ...

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