There should be little doubt that the video clip doctored to make Speaker Pelosi look drunk should be seen as a sign of new hazards to come in the digitally-enhanced war on reality.  The video is not even very sophisticated compared to what is actually possible right now with technology like “deepfakes,” and we can expect to see far more ...

Last week, bills to create a new, small-claim copyright process were introduced in both the House and Senate.  Generally referred to by the House name the CASE Act, the proposed changes to Title 17 will establish a Copyright Claims Board (CCB) at the U.S. Copyright Office with the purpose of offering rights holders a path to remedy infringements without the ...

Visual artists should be very relieved by last week’s decision at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, overturning the District Court’s finding of fair use in Brammer v. Violent Hues.  Frankly, fair use advocates should be happy about the ruling, too, because nobody who sincerely cares about copyright should celebrate an error of law.  If a court simply disregards the ...

The theme of year’s World IP Day celebration is sports.  And although I’ve never been what you might call a major sports fan, it does occur to me that the business of athletics is about as IP-rich and environment as one might imagine.  Covering all the bases, as it were, the world of professional sports is steeped in every kind ...

Remember when it was considered axiomatic to call the internet is the greatest gift to democracy in history? Not so much … ...

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