I have not written steadily about AI and copyright because, frankly, it’s exhausting. Not quite as exhausting as watching the state of the Republic overall, but almost as relentlessly incoherent and repetitive. For instance, Winston Cho for the Hollywood Reporter describes a PR and lobbying campaign by the tech coalition Chamber of Progress to defend the importance of generative AI ...
In December 2021, New York Governor Hochul recognized that she must veto a bill that would have prescribed the manner in which publishers may provide eBooks to public libraries. It isn’t necessary to rehash the details of that legislation—I wrote several posts about eBook bills—but only to restate the reason for the veto: the law was unconstitutional. Why? Because state ...
The Illusion of More blog was started in 2012 based on three interrelated premises: 1) that disinformation is toxic to democracy; 2) that Big Tech’s assault on copyright rights was both a disinformation campaign itself and a catalyst for more disinformation; and 3) that technology should serve humans and not the other way around. The difficulties posed by tech-enabled disinformation ...
The Motion Picture Association (MPA) has prefaced a renewed interest in site-blocking legislation to combat piracy. Will things be different this time? When the internet industry killed the antipiracy bills SOPA and PIPA in January 2012, I was a newbie blogger but guessed at the time that those parties had totally blown their wad on that campaign. First, there was ...
On March 17, Rolling Stone published an article featuring a song called “Soul of the Machine.” Sounding like blues of the early 20th century, the “voice” sings the lyric, “I’m just a soul trapped inside this circuitry.” Naturally, the whole work—music, lyrics, guitar playing, and singing—was produced by artificial intelligence. As writer Brian Hiatt describes, a simple prompt, “solo acoustic ...
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
– Daniel J. Boorstin