There is certainly no shortage of copyright in the news these days, and readers of this blog might wonder about my silence on subjects like the Supreme Court’s ruling in Kirtsaeng or the testimony before Congress by Register of Copyright Maria Pallante calling for the next great overhaul of the law. For starters, when I began writing IOM, I never ...
Freeloading: How Our Insatiable Appetite for Free Content Starves Creativity In his new book, author Chris Ruen provides a glimpse into his personal transition from consumer of free media to advocate for artists’ rights and a more rational conversation about copyright in the digital age. Ruen shares his own thoughts about common justifications for online piracy, about the mechanics behind ...
Let’s compare. Both of these videos are technically marketing pieces. I would know as I’ve made a few hundred marketing videos in my career. But what is each video selling, and how is each doing its job? The video on the left is produced by Kim Dotcom and is selling ...
To those who comment unceasingly that copyright and anti-piracy efforts are exclusively about big labels and big studios, meet the owners of ESL. This is an indie label that has a blanket 50/50 deal with all of its artists. Eric Hilton comes from the technology sector, so they’re anything but Web luddites. They are literally telling young, talented musicians they ...
This is a piece I wrote as a guest post for The Copyright Alliance. It got the folks over at TechDirt into a lather, but I suspect that’s because it wasn’t read or read very carefully by most of them. Not only have Copyright and Free Speech coexisted peacefully for the entire history of the Republic, but I would ...
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
– Daniel J. Boorstin