English lexicographer Jonathon Green offers this well-reasoned article criticizing crowd sourcing for dictionaries under the thesis “dictionaries are not democratic.” As a confirmed word snob and English language fetishist, I have to say that I generally agree. To study and love the English language is to accept and even celebrate that it is and always has been the most mutable ...
According to one German scientist, the reasons we use the Internet to excess is that it triggers some of the same chemical rewards as addictions to chemical substances like nicotine. Check out this article from The Atlantic. But science aside, what’s your gut feel? Are you addicted to Internet use? ...
Consider this: instead of an entrenched government fabricating an Orwellian state of fear in order to limit civil liberties, that it is in fact self-proclaimed rebels crying “freedom” who are using this very tactic to foster an agenda that is more destructive than the world they claim to oppose. It’s true that this website launched with an article praising a ...
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
– Daniel J. Boorstin