Last week, CreativeFuture CEO Ruth Vitale wrote a post wondering whether she had stepped into a parallel universe upon reading a June 27 missive by the EFF’s Mitch Stoltz. Related to my last post on the theme of tech-utopians doing policy pirouettes in the current climate we call the “techlash,” Stoltz declared Big Tech too big, with “extraordinary power to ...

It’s another one of those weeks when there’s stuff happening faster than I can write about any one thing. So, here’s a summary of a few items of note … Anti-Copyright Ideologue Named Tech Writer at NYT Twitter lit up yesterday with accusations that The New York Times has named a “racist” to its editorial board, citing anti-white tweets made ...

Last month, the European Union voted against key copyright enforcement provisions as part of its Digital Single Market initiative. Specifically, the proposal known as Article 13 called for the 28 member states to work with multiple stakeholders to develop and implement filtering technology that would, in theory, prevent unlicensed, copyrighted works from being uploaded onto user-content-supported platforms. Article 13 was ...

Well, artists and authors, I guess you can pack it in. Professor Glynn S. Lunney, Jr. of Texas A&M School of Law has declared copyright dead in a recent 12-page paper that is presumably a digest of his new book Copyright’s Excess: Money and Music in the US Recording Industry. Apparently, Lunney first announced copyright’s demise in a 2001 article ...

Zeno’s Paradox describes physical change as an illusion. Zeno of Elea, in the 5th Century BCE, postulated that in order to travel any distance, one had to first travel half that distance, and before that half could be traversed, one had to travel half of the first half, and so on. And because space could be infinitely divided, traveling through ...

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