Are conservatives fixing to adopt a position that copyright is a “government handout?”   Maybe.  Here’s what happened over the weekend: The Republican Study Committee, which for now is still chaired by Tea Party conservative Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), issued and then retracted a policy brief proposing an approach to amending copyright law.  Officially, a spokesman for the committee stated that the memo ...

  See story in The Daily Mail.         ...

Beneath the roil of arguments about illegal downloading of digital media, there is an unmistakable social, dare I say ethical, implication to the idea that the next generation is growing up believing that it is normal to enjoy entertainment media without paying for it.  Perhaps the most counter-intuitive phenomenon is the fact that college students currently paying a premium to ...

One thesis I have continually proposed since the death of SOPA is that thinking citizens are going to have to stop giving Internet companies a blank check on policy positions, or we’re going to regret it.  So far, it looks a lot like there isn’t a piece of legislation, a trade agreement, a civil action, or any other policy initiative ...

One of the things I truly love about the Internet’s influence on human psychology is that there seems to be something about the act of typing publicly in real-time that makes so many of us into armchair experts on just about any subject we choose.  This is particularly striking when it comes to complex legal matters, and if you are ...

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