Today, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, a.k.a. “the wedding cake case.”  In 2012, baker and cake designer Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, CO informed David Mullins and Charlie Craig, that he would not make a new cake for their wedding due to his Christian belief that ...

In my recent post on this issue, I said I hating digging into it because it’s such a slog.  So in that regard, kudos to Grammy-winning composer/artist and activist Maria Schneider for assembling what might be the most comprehensive and digestible narrative lately presented on this subject.  Published as a guest post at The Trichordist, Schneider lays out the backstory, ...

In a recent post, I described how the “server test,” established in the Perfect 10 case, obliterates the display right for visual artists on the internet. I further opined that the “server test” is an irrational standard and also stated that Perfect 10 may not be the final word on the matter. For recap, the Ninth Circuit held in Perfect ...

Let me start by saying I hate this issue. It’s exhausting to research and hardly a page-turner.  Still, I opened my big, cyber maw, suggesting to friends on Facebook that they might calm down about the news that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai intends to reverse the 2015 Open Internet Order, so I feel obligated to dig a little deeper and ...

When nude photos of celebrities were leaked and distributed all over the internet in 2014, Jennifer Lawrence, as one of the victims, called it a “sex crime.” Meanwhile, the idea that the platforms themselves bore much responsibility to remove the image was met with mixed responses. The leadership at Reddit was so high on the fumes of its own utopian ...

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