On October 3, the satirical news organization The Onion filed a delightfully irreverent amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the petitioner seeking cert in Novak v. City of Parma, Ohio, et al. Even if you have no interest in the case, the brief is a good time—a deftly written panegyric to the art and relevance of ...
A couple of weeks ago, in my post about ghost guns and trademark infringement, I argued that the EFF is wrong to defend the anonymity of the parties who flaunted their alleged infringements on Twitter. In that case, the individuals had manufactured DIY guns (ghost guns) in collaboration with the materials and tools provided by Defcad, Inc.; they had affixed ...
In January 2017, after far-right extremist Richard Spencer was attacked on Inauguration Day, a semi-rhetorical question began trending on social media. Is it okay to punch the Nazi? While I would tend to say that it is rarely ethical to throw the first punch at anyone, can we at least agree that it is not only fair, but morally imperative, ...
I guess this is the digital-age equivalent of defenestration: rather than an authoritarian getting thrown out a window, he gets thrown off Twitter. And now that the major platforms have closed the proverbial barn door while the cows run amok on Pennsylvania Avenue, calling the decision to deplatform Trump too little too late is itself saying far too little, and ...
Recently, the law called Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (1996) has featured in a political cacophony that is becoming more ridiculous since the day Twitter first presumed to label Trump’s disinformation for what it was. Now, the noise has continued to exacerbate legislative dysfunction down to the final hours in this toxic year. After vetoing the 2020 National ...
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
– Daniel J. Boorstin