There should be little doubt that the video clip doctored to make Speaker Pelosi look drunk should be seen as a sign of new hazards to come in the digitally-enhanced war on reality.  The video is not even very sophisticated compared to what is actually possible right now with technology like “deepfakes,” and we can expect to see far more ...

In Response to Angela Watercutter’s Grumpy Cat Article at Wired Dear Angela: First, forgive me for taking a bit too seriously your lighthearted article of May 17, in which you identify the passing of Grumpy Cat* as a symbol of a bygone internet that was playful and innocent in 2012, but which has since devolved to a world of harassment, ...

Is it just me, or have the digital rights folks lately shifted the narrative on the subject of platform responsibility and content moderation?  Where once they could be counted on to repeat the commandment Thou Shalt Not Touch Online Content, I perceive a more nuanced (sounding) agenda now recommending Best Practices for Touching Online Content If You Really Must. For instance, ...

On Tuesday, Meredith Filak Rose of Public Knowledge posted a blog suggesting that a solution to rampant misinformation is to “bring libraries online.” Not surprisingly, she identifies copyright law as the barrier currently preventing access to quality information that could otherwise help solve the problem … “High-quality, vetted, peer-reviewed secondary sources are, unfortunately, increasingly hard to come by, online or off. ...

Remember when it was considered axiomatic to call the internet is the greatest gift to democracy in history? Not so much … ...

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