In contemplating two of the film projects I’m currently writing, I told my wife that I’ve been thinking about embracing new models. With raised eyebrows, she demanded an explanation, and the more I tried to explain “new models” in the sense the internet industry has used the expression since the days of Napster, the more I believe she wished I’d ...
IOM Webcast – A Conversation with Dan Goodman of Believe Entertainment Group from David Newhoff on Vimeo. There’s no question that digital technologies have fostered tremendous opportunity for any content creator with a dream and the passion to pursue it; but these technologies have also created a dynamic, even volatile, market with forces both great and small competing for ad ...
Yep. I’ll throw myself on this grenade. No problem. Let me say at the outset that anyone who wants to bring up the RIAA lawsuits of the aughts in context to this post can just stifle the instinct because you’re being silly. You might as well say your scorecard on American civil liberties stops with the Trail of Tears. Let’s ...
It’s taken me several days to gather my thoughts on the subject of computer algorithms being used to analyze screenplays for the right DNA that spawns a hit movie. That’s the focus of this article in the New York Times about Worldwide Motion Picture Group and its CEO/”mad scientist” Vinny Bruzzese. Like the writers and film professionals interviewed for the ...
When it comes to new ideas about copyright, Derek Khanna is a very good looking person. In fact I’m reasonably sure this particular tweet was actually composed by his perfect hair. For the uninitiated, Khanna is the new poster boy for conservatives against artists’ rights, a career he effectively created for himself when he wrote a thoroughly uninformed memo for ...
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
– Daniel J. Boorstin