It was hard not to dismiss the headline posted by The Verge:  How AI copyright lawsuits could make the whole industry go extinct. The article summarizes a new Decoder podcast hosted by Nilay Patel, joined by Sarah Jeong to discuss the copyright lawsuits filed against generative AI developers. Most of the program is devoted to a discussion of fair use, ...

Holy whiplash segues, Batman.  There I was reading a perfectly interesting article by Sarah Jeong on the potential hazards of selling one’s personal data, when she took an incomprehensible—if mercifully brief—detour into the realm of copyright law.  She presents a reasonable enough case that the companies now offering to help us “broker” our private data (e.g. health information) may be ...

It’s another one of those weeks when there’s stuff happening faster than I can write about any one thing. So, here’s a summary of a few items of note … Anti-Copyright Ideologue Named Tech Writer at NYT Twitter lit up yesterday with accusations that The New York Times has named a “racist” to its editorial board, citing anti-white tweets made ...

In what sounds like an homage to Tom Clancy, Sarah Jeong, a contributing editor to Motherboard, presents us with a cautionary action thriller in which the Chinese government could theoretically disappear one of the most famous and politically significant photographs ever taken. And all because of American copyright law.  You know the photo. It’s the image that comes immediately to ...

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