Charlie:  Dad, how can you hate The Colonel? Stuart (Scottish accent):  Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly, Smart Ass! – So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) – As mentioned in much older posts, my father was an advertising professional, principally a creative director but also a manager.  And one lesson ...

Once again, I maintained my tradition of not making it through the Oscars.  I haven’t cared much about the show itself in years, and I have even less patience for the pre and post-game buzz about everything that’s right or wrong with Hollywood, with the nominees themselves, with the Academy, and most especially with what anyone is wearing. Okay, I’m  a ...

Okay, I haven’t seen The Internship yet, and it’ll be a small miracle if I find the time.  Certainly if it were not for this blog, I wouldn’t have any interest. But if the sampling of viewer responses on Rotten Tomatoes is any indication, it’s a safe bet that this particular Vaughn/Wilson vehicle has all the appeal of a driverless Porsche. ...

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